Policies and Definitions
MIDWEEK - Monday through Friday
WEEKEND - Saturday and Sunday
FULL DAY - 9:00 AM - 8:00 AM the next morning.
SUNSET - 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM, Monday through Friday only. Sunset reservations are not bookable online. Please call our office at (415) 331-8250 or email us to make a reservation.
HOLIDAY RATES - Sunset charters are not available and Full Day/Weekend rates will apply on the following holidays:
- January 15 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- February 17 - Presidents Day
- May 26 - Memorial Day
- June 19 - Juneteenth
- July 4 - Independence Day
- September 1 - Labor Day
- October 13 - Colombus Day
SUMMER RATES - Summer rates are in effect during Daylight Saving Time season.
WINTER RATES - Winter rates are in effect during Standard Time season.
LIVEABOARD - 4:00 PM - 8:00 AM. Friday through Sunday, charterers and ASA students may reserve a boat for sleeping aboard on a same-day basis only.
Staying Aboard Overnight - Full Day and Liveaboard Reservations permit sleeping aboard overnight. Be advised that Modern Sailing does not provide bedding, pillows, towels, and toiletries. Please bring your own pillow and sleeping bag or other bedding, towel(s), and toiletries as needed. To give our Fleet Staff time to prepare the boat for the day's sailing, please remove all belongings and be off the boat no later than 8:00 AM.
Multi-Day Discount - Multi-Day Charters are discounted 10% for two consecutive days and 15% off for three or more consecutive days.
Complimentary Advance Booking - Members may book up to 3 advance bareboat charter reservations, for which there is no payment due until the day of the charter. Advance bookings in excess of 3 (at any given time) will be prepaid in full. Consecutive multi-day charter reservations count as 1 booking.
CANCELLATION POLICY - Please give notice of cancellation 72 hours before your reservation to avoid a cancellation fee. If you cancel less than 72 hours before your charter, there is a cancellation fee of 50% of the charter rate. During Standard Time (non-Daylight Saving season, typically early November through mid-March), the cancellation policy requires only 24 hours of notice.
As a responsible Skipper, I will check this vessel to determine that it is in seaworthy condition before departure. I agree to return the vessel in the same condition that it was received and secure the vessel according to the "Check-In Form - Skipper Responsibilities" checklist. I will be responsible for excess cleaning costs, loss, and/or repairs. The amount is determined by the fleet level. Please check the white binder on each vessel for the total. I also agree to hold harmless Modern Sailing School & Club from any liability that may result from my use of this vessel, and I agree to inform my crew about this release. All vessels are not insured to navigate beyond Mile Rock and Point Bonita.
Departing from the dock alone is not permitted. Crews must consist of 2 or more people.
- Over 20 knots (sustained) - You must have at least a 2nd reef in the mainsail.
- Over 30 knots (sustained) - You must douse the mainsail, furl the jib, and motor back to base as quickly as possible.
- If your anchor becomes snagged and you are unable to retrieve it, you must tie a fender to the anchor rode and release the balance of the rode overboard to be retrieved by a diver the next day. If you try to force your anchor free with excessive motor power and damage results, you will be responsible for any and all damage caused to the vessel.
- Do not raft together with other boats.
- Towing of other boats is disallowed.
- Obey all navigation rules and local regulations.
- Platinum Fleet and Catamarans: Pier 1.5 in San Francisco is restricted.
- All Boats 26' and Longer: Piers 39 & 41, Aquatic Park in SF, and Sam’s Café in Tiburon are restricted. J/24s are allowed into Sam's Cafe in Tiburon.
- All Boats: Anchoring in China Cove (northside of Angel Island) is restricted due to underwater hazards.
- Charterers may not sail outside of San Francisco Bay beyond the line of demarcation between Mile Rock and Point Bonita.
Anyone sailing or motoring near shore or low water areas, through designated anchoring areas, or into/out of marina who causes damage to the charter vessel, or any other vessel or property is fully responsible for all claims of damage.
To become qualified to sail or motor after sunset, you must either:
- Complete ASA 104, Bareboat Cruising at Modern Sailing School & Club; or
- Complete our Night Sailing Clinic.
Without one of these qualifications, sailing or motoring after sunset is not permitted. If you are ASA 103 certified or took ASA 104 at another sailing school and wish to stay aboard overnight, please be docked, moored, or anchored before sunset.
If you took ASA 104 at another school or would like more practice sailing at night, our Night Sailing Clinic can help you gain the skills and confidence to safely navigate in the dark - and will certify you to sail or motor Modern yachts at night. Our Electronic Piloting and Radar Clinic further adds to these skills.
Anyone (skipper or guest) deemed intoxicated at the time of an accident will be fully responsible for all bodily injury or property damage as a result of that accident. You are not covered by insurance if intoxicated.
Please be mindful there may be members scheduled to charter after you. Return to dock with enough time to properly check in the boat and disembark by your scheduled end time. If you are late disembarking from your boat, a late fee of $75 will be applied for each half-hour beyond your scheduled end time.
- Only sailors certified at the appropriate fleet level can maneuver in and out of dock slips/marina.
- Sailors must be Sportboat Fleet Rated to be on the helm of a 24' to 26' vessel during dock/marina departure and entry maneuvers.
- Sailors must be Silver Fleet Rated to be on the helm of a 30 to 32' vessel during dock/marina departure and entry maneuvers.
- Sailors must be Gold Fleet Rated to be on the helm of a 33' to 37' vessel during dock/marina departure and entry maneuvers.
- Sailors must be Platinum Fleet Rated to be on the helm of a 38' to 44' vessel during dock/marina departure and entry maneuvers.
- Sailors must be Catamaran Fleet Rated to be on the helm of a multihull vessel during dock/marina departure and entry maneuvers.
- Regardless of who is on the helm, the skipper on record is financially liable for any damages incurred during vessel use.
- Legal limit for all boats is 12 people. This legal limit is set by the Coast Guard. All our boats have an individual Bareboat Capacity Recommendation that is based on how many people can sail comfortably.
- Pets are not permitted on boats.
- Fishing gear of any kind, including crab pots, are prohibited.
- Modern Sailing sailboats are a smoke-free zone everywhere onboard.
- Check your guest’s footwear and please ensure all passengers’ footwear have non-marking soles.
- Red wine is barred on boats as it stains decks and interiors.
If the boat becomes disabled or you are unsure what to do in any situation, call the office first at (415) 331-8250 (Sausalito) or (510) 831-1800 (Berkeley). After business hours, or if there is no answer, call Vessel Assist at (800) 4-SEATOW or on VHF radio channel 16. You will find the boat's SeaTow membership information in the boat's white binder (usually in or near the navigation table).
The company policies and procedures regarding the use of the vessels charted through Modern Sailing School & Club are for the protection of the members, owners, and MSC. These policies and procedures must be adhered to strictly. The Skipper hereby acknowledges and agrees that he or she is familiar with and covenants to comply with said policies and procedures. As further consideration for the charter of the vessel pursuant to this Charter Agreement, the undersigned agrees that in the event that he or she willfully fails to comply with the policies and procedures regarding the use of the chartered vessel, he or she shall be solely responsible for any and all damages that result from said failure and further does hereby expressly waive and forfeit coverage under any insurance policy providing coverage to MSC individually or jointly with the Skipper.
In addition to the Waiver above, the Skipper agrees that in the event of a loss or damage resulting from Skipper’s negligence, Skipper will reimburse MSC for the amount of any deductible due under MSC’s insurance coverage.
I am aware of the possibility of infection due to the COVID-19 virus and that such risk may be increased by my participation in this activity. I agree that I will abide by all government and MODERN SAILING mandated requirements in my use of the vessel and assume full and total responsibility and shall hold MODERN SAILING harmless should any of the participants in the charter, including myself, become infected with the virus.
By submitting my charter form, I agree I have read the foregoing and accept the foregoing waiver as set forth.
Please review the responsibilities of the Skipper and inform your crew according to the list below.
As a bareboat charterer and Skipper, I understand that I am in control and command of this vessel, regardless of who I've hired to help with local knowledge, navigation and crewing. It is also my responsibility to review and operate all vessels in accordance with current safe boating laws.
- Check the boat like a rental car. Report pre-existing damage before leaving the dock. Make sure to move the fenders and include descriptions in your form.
- Ensure crew has proper footwear (white, non-marking soles).
- Instruct crew on Crew Overboard Recovery procedures.
- Instruct crew on location of all safety equipment, including fire extinguishers, life jackets, flotation devices, horn, and radio. (Channel 16 is for Emergencies and Coast Guard Help)
- Instruct crew on head operation. No paper of any kind in toilets (please dispose of paper products in trash bins).
- Determine if your crew can swim. Encourage the use of life jackets. Children are required to wear life jackets. We have children’s life jackets available in the office.
- Appoint someone to be second in command in case something happens to the skipper.
- Secure all hatches and windows before leaving the dock.
- The dodger cannot be removed or folded forward. Please remove the canvas covering the windows so as not to obstruct your view. Safely stow below deck during sailing and replace before you leave the boat.
- If you have any questions about boat systems or operations, please check with the MSC team.
It is very important to return the vessel in the same condition and with all the inventory, just as you received the boat. Please secure the vessel using the checklist below to make sure that no charges are accrued. Cleaning charges are $75 per hour plus supplies (minimum charge is $75).
- BATTERIES: UPON RETURN: Turn battery Switch to "1" or “OFF” (if they were off when you entered the boat). Ensure the AC Panel "Charger" is turned "ON" and bilge pump is on "Auto". Ensure that your shore power cord is properly plugged in and the breaker on the dock box is turned on. Ensure the cord is not hanging in the water.
- Stow all gear in proper locations.
- Stove: Turn off LPG switch (solenoid) on the panel and close valves on the propane tank.
- Thoroughly clean galley, wipe down counters and floors, clean any dishes that were used and set out to dry.
- Thoroughly flush head to pump dry. Wipe seat.
- Clean cabin and wipe floorboards with wet paper towels.
- Remove trash bags from bins if they contain waste. Dispose of all waste in the dumpsters and recycling bins located behind the Modern Sailing office.
- Secure all halyards away from the mast, fold and cover all sails, and coil all lines.
- Secure jib sheets in winch self-tailer jaws.
- If your boat has a dodger, put the dodger covers back in place.
- Secure all hatches and lock the boat.
- Wash the boat with dock hose: hull, topsides, cockpit, and stainless steel (jib furler, pulpits, stanchions, lifelines, turnbuckles, mast base, etc.) to remove corrosive salt crystals. Use the deck brush in the cockpit to remove any crumbs or spills.
- Completely clean anchor and chain, if used.
- Ensure fenders are securely tied and resting above the water line between the boat and the dock.
- Check dock lines to ensure that they are snug and properly tied to dock cleats.