Member Resources | Modern Sailing

Member Resources

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Our Member Resources page makes it easy to find informative and educational articles published on our website to help the Modern Sailing community and the sailing public get the most out of sailing San Francisco Bay - or beyond!

What can we help you find?

  • Local Cruising Guides - Spice up your charters with 1-day and multi-day San Francisco Bay sailing itineraries.
  • Member Benefits - Bonuses and perks for MSC club members.
  • Members Review Destinations - Our experienced charterers and cruisers will tell you about where in the world where they've sailed, and the highlights, challenges, and words of advice for each location. Many are also willing to act as a point of contact if you have questions!
  • Sailor Spotlight - Get inspired by true stories of our former and current students, club members, and staff's sailing adventures and achievements.
  • Sailing & Charter Tips - Tips and advice to help you get the most out of sailing Modern yachts on San Francisco Bay.
  • Website & Account How To's - Learn how to use your online Member Account, purchase for and enroll yourself and others online in Courses, Clinics, Club Sails, and more!

In the List of Resources section below, use the Search by Category drop-down list to make your selection and click the "Apply" button to narrow down content by one of the 6 categories above. You may also apply a custom search of our Member Resources by entering text in the Search by Text field.

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  • Trudy Flores

    Captain Jeff Cathers is really cool. I had such a great time on the Farallones Day Trip. It was actually my very best day of 2020. Thank you so much for coordinating the trip.

  • John Kipping

    The meeting room was quite adequate and the location most convenient, but the course outline and instruction were outstanding. Modern Sailing is fortunate to have such a well organized instructor in Mr. Stan Lander who teaches very well from a rich professional background. Mr. Lander was generous with his time and patiently in helping students who needed more attention or time in understanding various aspects of the curriculum.

  • Alisa Driscoll, Dual Site Member

    Here are some snaps of Our Saturday, August 20, 2022 Modern Sailing Expedition with Captain Robert Bivin, who was outstanding. Please convey photos and thanks to him. He is an outstanding individual, leader and sailing instructor. His knowledge and experience made us all feel safe and our Farallones Day Trip educational and just amazing. 

  • Warren Leiden, Member

    I try to get out on the water every week: out the Gate, around Angel, up Raccoon - I love it all. After 18 years as a member of OCSC in Berkeley, I learned to sail the bigger boats at Modern by taking ASA 103 and 104. My ASA 104 instructor Dave Russell was terrific. Also, Captain Bill Moreland has been very generous in giving informal advice whenever I’ve asked him. Thanks to Bill, I no longer have any anxiety about docking!

  • David Dolenc, Member

    I love sailing in the San Francisco Bay and greatly appreciate everything that MSC has to offer, the classes, clinics, club sails, racing and charters. I enjoy our supportive sailing community and use every opportunity to spend time on the water. After obtaining the certifications from MSC I did my first charter in Croatia in 2022 with my family. It was amazing and we’re looking forward to returning soon!

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Modern Sailing School & Club

Sausalito Location
2310 Marinship Way, Sausalito
(415) 331-8250
(800) 995-1668

Berkeley Location
1 Spinnaker Way, Berkeley
(415) 331-8250
(800) 995-1668

Map / Directions