What is a "Co-Skipper"? | Modern Sailing

What is a "Co-Skipper"?

At Modern Sailing, Sportboat, Silver Fleet, and Gold Fleet-rated members have the benefit of being able to "co-skipper" with another member in order to earn up to 3 of the 6 on-the-water days* required as the ASA 104 prerequisite. Please be sure to inform the front desk prior to your charter so we can track it.

The Co-Skipper:

  • shares the duties of running the boat and crew, including departing and returning to dock.
  • can dock only if he/she is certified for that fleet level boat. (For example, a Silver Fleet rated co-skipper can only dock Silver Fleet boats.)
  • receives credit for an on-the-water day only by co-skippering boats he/she is Fleet Rated for. (For example, a Silver Fleet rated co-skipper cannot receive credit for co-skippering on a Platinum Fleet boat.)
  • receives credit for an on-the-water day by informing the MSC office.
  • has come to a financial responsibility agreement with the charterer of record (the member whose name the reservation is in, or primary skipper).

We recommend that the charterer of record (primary skipper) and co-skipper have a discussion prior to sailing about how skipper duties will be shared. Here's some specific duties that the skipper and co-skipper can share between themselves. Communication between the skippers and crew is always key. 

  • Determine weather forecast, tides, and currents and prepare a float plan for the day. 
  • Complete the Boat Pre-Cruise (Check-Out) Form.
  • Review the Pre-Departure Checklist (in the Boat Check-Out Form) with crew.
  • Steer on the helm and direct the crew during docking activities.
  • Steer on the helm and direct the crew during sailing activities.
  • Monitor power consumption and battery status.
  • Complete the Boat Check-In (post-cruise) Form.
  • Direct the crew in tidying and securing the boat at the end of the charter.

If you need some help finding a member to co-skipper with, join our members-only Facebook Crew List or the Crew List (a Modern Sailing-adminstered email distribution list). Request to join the email Crew List by sending an email to office@modernsailing.com. Remember to inform the office that you are a co-skipper prior to your charter so you'll receive credit towards your ASA 104 prerequisite.

*To earn more than 3 on-the-water days towards the ASA 104 prerequisite, charter as the primary skipper (charterer of record) and/or complete your choice of 1-day Sailing Skills Clinics.

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  • Emma & George Stubbs, Sausalito

    We just took our ASA 106 at a school in Rhode Island as we prepare for 6 months of cruising in the Caribbean. The class was great, but more than anything it made us really appreciate the quality of teaching and rigor at Modern Sailing. Even though we were the newest to sailing, the group seemed to think that we had the best fundamentals. We felt very well prepared and we see why Modern Sailing has the reputation it does.

  • Ray Arceneaux

    The vessel was clean and in fine condition - very nice boat for training, well-equipped.

  • Andrew Goble, San Francisco

    It has been wonderful sailing with MSC over the years. Please extend my thanks to the owners, management, and staff for unrequited professionalism and high standards in a charter fleet. I have sailed with several in my years and none nearly hold a candle to the quality of business and staff at Modern Sailing.

  • Danny Collins

    The office staff was very accommodating in meeting my availability.

  • Steve Hood, Basic Coastal Cruising

    I would definitely recommend Modern Sailing to anyone who is interested in learning to sail the right way.

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(415) 331-8250
(800) 995-1668

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1 Spinnaker Way, Berkeley
(415) 331-8250
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