What if you want to charter a favorite boat or fleet level on a specific date or dates, but there is no availability?
Yes, you can add yourself to a waitlist!
Here's how:
Step 1
Log into your Mindbody customer portal and click the BOOK A BOAT tab, located at the upper-left corner of the page. You will then be prompted to select a location. Once you do so, the page will expand with another prompt to select a fleet level (a.k.a. booking type).
- If you've never booked a boat online before, you might find this article helpful: How to Book a Boat Online.
Step 2
Once you've selected a fleet level (booking type), the section will expand to display all of the boats in that fleet level at the chosen location.
Step 3
Select the radio button next to your desired boat, or select "All..." if you're open to booking any boat in that fleet (i.e., All Berkeley-Gold-Full... or All Sausalito-Silver-Full... etc.).
- Note: You may also choose your boat from the drop-down list in the "Which boat?" section. This has the same effect as selecting the radio button.
Step 4
After selecting your desired boat (or All...), the page will expand again to prompt you to select dates and times. Select Choose your own dates.
Step 5
Once your date or dates are chosen, click the Search button.
Step 6
If there is no availability for the boat or fleet you selected for your desired date(s), you will a see a message like this:
In the upper-right corner of this message, select Request waitlist.
The My Schedule page will appear, showing a list of any reservations you currently have, as well as any offerings that you are waitlisted for.
- Note: If you should change your plans, please be sure to cancel your waitlist request. Simply click Cancel on the right.
That's it!
Easy, right?
What happens next?
If there is a cancellation for that boat or fleet level, a customer service representative will contact you. If you'd like to accept the booking, please respond to confirm right away. If there are multiple people on the waitlist, the booking will be granted to the first person who confirms by phone or email.
If you're having no luck getting a reservation for your preferred date(s), not all is lost! Try using one of the many resources we offer our members to help them connect and communicate for the purposes of finding crew or opportunities to go sailing. Learn more by reading our article Connecting Our Community - Crew List, Slack channels, social events, and more!
Questions? Please contact us. We're happy to help!