June 21, 2023
The Crew Corps is a group of Modern Sailing members who volunteer to help with crewing on Private Lessons, Custom Courses, and Private Fleet Rating Checkouts when the client (student or member) isn't able to bring crew of their own. Crew Corps volunteers support the development of their fellow members and students while enjoying cost-free time on the water. If you have a flexible schedule and can confirm in advance, the competency to crew on a variety of sailboats, and a sailors-helping-sailors attitude, you'll be a perfect fit.
How the Crew Corps Email List Works
When Modern Sailing's schedulers (Kim in Sausalito and Sage in Berkeley) need crew for an upcoming Private Lesson, they'll send an email out to the Crew Corps distribution list with the date, time, type of event, instructor, and type of boat the event will be held on. If you're interested and available, don't hesitate to reply that you'd like to sign up! Kim or Sage will confirm with you via email or phone call.
- IMPORTANT: When replying to emails sent out to the Crew Corps email list, please reply directly to the sender only. Do not "Reply All."
- TO UNSUBSCRIBE: To request removal from the Crew Corps list, send an email to office@modernsailing.com.
What to Know
There are a few key differences between chartering with friends and other members versus participating on a sail as a member of the Crew Corps.
- Since you are volunteering your time, there is no cost for you to participate.
- Most Private Lessons, Custom Courses, and Checkouts occur on weekdays.
- Your role as a member of the Crew Corps is to act as "competent but not proactive" crew for the duration of the lesson or class. You will take direction from the student and the instructor without actively making or contributing to decisions as if you crewing with friends (such as actively trimming the sails or offering advice during maneuvers).
- Please volunteer to crew only for events that you are absolutely sure you can attend. While there is no penalty for last-minute cancellations on the part of the crew, it can have a negative impact on the student's lesson. If you last-minute cancel, you may be removed from the Crew Corps.
- Since you are not skippering or formally receiving instructional time on the water, these crewing opportunities do not count as on-the-water days towards your ASA 104 prerequisite. Nonetheless, serving as crew in an instructional setting will inevitably expose you to a variety of opportunities to strengthen your own skills.
- On rare occasion, a client may cancel with short notice or no-show, which means your time will not be required. We will inform you immediately should a client cancel. We do our utmost to prevent this circumstance by communicating our cancellation policies to clients.
Requirements for Joining
To participate in the Modern Sailing Crew Corps, you must be:
- A Modern Sailing member
- Certified at or above ASA 101
- Please note that certain assignments may require a more advanced skillset. For example, crew on ASA 114 Custom Courses should have ASA 114 certification, or a catamaran rating.
If you'd like to join the Crew Corps list, here's how. Fill out this Crew Corps Request Form (Google Form) to be added to our database of volunteers. If you have questions or would like to sign up with the help of a human, contact us by phone or email.
We appreciate our volunteers' involvement in the Crew Corps. They are always learning and honing their skills while helping others grow and progress as sailors too!