Cyril Derreumaux | Modern Sailing

Cyril Derreumaux

General Manager, Sausalito

We are pleased that Cyril Derreumaux has joined the team as our new General Manager of Modern Sailing Sausalito. Cyril is a dynamic and entrepreneurial business leader and an adventurer who has a passion for being on the water.

Cyril currently holds the Guiness World Record for the fastest crossing of the Mid-Pacific from California to Hawaii in a 4-man “Classic” Ocean Rowing Boat, with another record pending for his solo crossing in 2022 unsupported on a 100% human-powered 23-foot kayak. 

A native of France, Cyril speaks five languages. He has a Master’s Degree in International Business from ESCP-EAP European School of Management. He has held product management, business development, and general management roles in the auto, tech, wine, and sailing industries.

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  • Warren Leiden, Member

    I try to get out on the water every week: out the Gate, around Angel, up Raccoon - I love it all. After 18 years as a member of OCSC in Berkeley, I learned to sail the bigger boats at Modern by taking ASA 103 and 104. My ASA 104 instructor Dave Russell was terrific. Also, Captain Bill Moreland has been very generous in giving informal advice whenever I’ve asked him. Thanks to Bill, I no longer have any anxiety about docking!

  • John Kipping

    The meeting room was quite adequate and the location most convenient, but the course outline and instruction were outstanding. Modern Sailing is fortunate to have such a well organized instructor in Mr. Stan Lander who teaches very well from a rich professional background. Mr. Lander was generous with his time and patiently in helping students who needed more attention or time in understanding various aspects of the curriculum.

  • Andrew Goble, San Francisco

    It has been wonderful sailing with MSC over the years. Please extend my thanks to the owners, management, and staff for unrequited professionalism and high standards in a charter fleet. I have sailed with several in my years and none nearly hold a candle to the quality of business and staff at Modern Sailing.

    Andrew Goble and Crew

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2310 Marinship Way, Sausalito, CA 94965
(415) 331-8250
(800) 995-1668

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1 Spinnaker Way, Berkeley, CA 94710
(415) 331-8250
(800) 995-1668

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